Monday, April 13, 2015

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Bench

The Bench


 Sometimes I imagine you just sitting on that bench

Amidst the beautiful flowers

Just sitting there for hours

Or roaming around the garden

Curious of what there is to find

As you were here on earth

Time after time

As fast as you would run

When you were really young

I could barely keep up

But once your head hit that pillow

You were so mellow

And within moments fast asleep

Sometimes I would just stare

Into your big brown eyes

And beautiful long dark hair

And thank god up above

For giving to me

Unconditional love

A daughter made up of so much more

Then just sugar and spice and everything nice

Kindness and compassion

A flare for fashion

Kisses and hugs

 Endless love

I would give anything

To sit there on that bench

With you

And read to you

Just be with you

Hold you in my arms again

To be with my best friend


 Run with you, play with you

Just to have another day with you

Sitting on that bench.


 S.G. 4/12/2015  (dedicated to my little angel Kaitlyn Elizabeth 2000 – 2013 )

I only own the words, not the photo.

Walk with Me

Walk with Me

Walk with me

If you will

Where the grass is greenest

And wind is silent still

 Skip with me

Through meadows of vibrant hues

Where the world is just waking up

To a new Morning's dew

 Sing with me

In the rain


 Raindrops whisper to roses

As  marigold composes

A sweet smelling song

 Dance with me

As our bodies roam

 Softly, gently, moving

To a Meadowlark’s   

Love song

S.G. 4/12/2015