Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day in Heaven     " Mom "
Each time I hear your name

Moms have the hardest task
To love their child
No matter how they act
No matter what crime
Until the end of time

Moms have the loudest giggles
When you tickle them
And they start to wiggle

Moms have the loudest voice
When they yell at you
With no other choice

Mom’s do the best they can
To shelter and keep you warm
From the wind

Moms protect their children
At any cost
And go out of their wits
When you are lost

Mom’s instinct
Is tried and true
And there is nothing she would not do
To take care of you

Mothers are sent from heaven above
To shower you with unconditional love
And when the time come’s and they must return
Oh does your heart burn
Falling tears
Throughout the years
Life never the same
Each time
I hear your name

S. Glover 5/10/15

Happy Mother's Day Mom ( I do not own photo's)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Literatures Graveyard
Cobwebs now replace the lace.
Forgotten books left in their place.
Upon the shelves seen miles around.
All those stories left unbound.
 Once a place full of grace.
Children's laughter
Echoing all over the place.
Now barely echo's one sound.
 For not one person is around.
 “Until the midnight hour “.           
For Once the clock strikes twelve-o-clock,
  Books on bookshelves start to rock.
 Page upon pages come to strife,
Narrating each books life.
Imaginations run abound
Echoing the glorious sound.
 As angels wait at Peter's Gate
, welcome new comers of ill's fate.
  Romeo and Juliet
 Reciting of their true love
 No one shall forget.
 Moby Dick, Peter Pan,
Pride and Prejudice
 Return to Never-Never Land.                                
 From Hemingway to Robert Frost,
 Treasured Authors
That may have passed,
But never lost.
Poetry and stories
 Brought back to life
 After the hour
Of Midnight
 S. Glover.  5\21/2013.       

            I only own the words of the poem, just borrowing the photo's      

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Writer’s Block


Don’t know what to say        

The words have gone away

The characters are silent                                                                        

My thoughts no longer vibrant

Writing that was flowing

Is no longer going -

In the direction that I had planned

  Pen still in   hand

MY   mind   is racing

Deadlines facing


Time is lapsing fast

 Hope this will not last

What will it take?

 Too unlock


 Writer’s block…

 S. Glover  5/6/15