Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Candy Cotton Moon

I want to take a trip somewhere that is fun
 where the grass goes on forever here with plenty of room to run

 And land along the way as I tire, I want to be able to take a break
 Licking on  giant lollypops sitting by a chocolate lake

And when the wind starts to blow
 Inside the gingerbread house is where I will go

And then as the sun starts to shine:
Will you take my hand, and say you will be mine

We can spend all night getting lost in a peppermint lagoon
Until You finally kiss me underneath the candy cotton moon

 Then we can just lay down in a sugar field bliss 
 Sharing candy coated kisses in a heaven like this

S. G. 2011

( I own the words of this poem, but not the photos)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

March 17th
Oh blarney
Blow me over'
Tis already
March 17th

Get out your green
Let out a scream
Hurray for March 17th

If Irish blood run's through you
It's a pleasure to have knew you
three-cheers for March 17th

All sorts of Green Beer
Bringing tons of Good Cheer
Thank Heaven's for March 17th

A four leaf clover
Is hard to find
But luck of the Irish
And you will be mine

For Irish Blessings
Teaching Irish Lessons

Kiss Me

Tis March 17th

S.G. 3/17/15

( I only own the words of this poem , not the pictures)

The Beauty of Ireland Shared with You

on this St. Patrick's Day ( I do not own any of the photo's shared with you today)

 Cong Ireland

 Dingle Village, Kerry Ireland
 Blarney Stone
 Ireland Nature's Beauty

 Fit for a King/Queen
 So Beautiful Ireland

Hope you enjoyed your journey to Ireland with me :) on St. Patrick's Day 2015


Who was St. Patrick

Much of what is known about Saint Patrick comes from the Declaration, which was allegedly written by Patrick himself. It is believed that he was born in Roman Britain in the fourth century, into a wealthy Romano-British family. His father was a deacon and his grandfather was a priest in the Christian church. According to the Declaration, at the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Gaelic Ireland.[12] It says that he spent six years there working as a shepherd and that during this time he "found God". The Declaration says that God told Patrick to flee to the coast, where a ship would be waiting to take him home. After making his way home, Patrick went on to become a priest.
According to legend, Saint Patrick used the three-leaved shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to Irish pagans.
According to tradition, Patrick returned to Ireland to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. The Declaration says that he spent many years evangelising in the northern half of Ireland and converted "thousands". Tradition holds that he died on 17 March and was buried at Downpatrick. Over the following centuries, many legends grew up around Patrick and he became Ireland's foremost saint

The colour green has been associated with Ireland since at least the 1640s, when the green harp flag was used by the Irish Catholic Confederation. Green ribbons and shamrocks have been worn on St Patrick's Day since at least the 1680s.[19] The Friendly Brothers of St Patrick, an Irish fraternity founded in about 1750,[20] adopted green as its colour.[21] However, when the Order of St. Patrick—an Anglo-Irish chivalric order—was founded in 1783 it adopted blue as its colour, which led to blue being associated with St Patrick

The Wearing of the Green is an Irish street ballad lamenting the repression of supporters of the Irish Rebellion of 1798

The Wearing of The Green
version by Dion Boucicault (1820-1890)

1. Oh! Paddy, dear, and did you hear
The news that's going round,
The shamrock is forbid by law
To grow on Irish ground.
Saint Patrick's Day no more we'll keep
His color can't be seen
For there's a bloody law agin'
The wearing of the green.

I met with Napper Tandy
And he took me by the hand
And he said "How's poor old Ireland?
And how does she stand?"
She's the most distressful country
That ever you have seen,
They're hanging men and women there
For wearing of the green.

2. Then since the color we must wear
Is England's cruel red
Sure Ireland's sons will n'er forget
The blood that they have shed.
You may take the shamrock from your hat
And cast it on the sod,
But 'twill take root and flourish still
Tho' underfoot 'tis trod.

When the law can stop the blades of grass
From growing as they grow,
And when the leaves in summer time
Their verdure dare not show,
Then I will change the color
I wear in my caubeen,
But till that day I'll stick for aye
To wearing of the green.

3. But if at last our color should
Be torn from Ireland's heart,
Her sons with shame and sorrow
From the dear old sod will part.
I've heard a whisper of a country
That lies beyond the sea,
Where rich and poor stand equal
In the light of freedom's day.

Oh, Erin! Must we leave you,
Driven by the tyrant's hand?
Must we ask a mother's welcome
From a strange but happy land?
Where the cruel cross of England's thralldom
Never shall be seen
And where in peace we'll live and die
A-wearing of the green.

Have a Happy and Safe St. Patrick's Day

Monday, March 16, 2015

A Night's lullaby
Moon beams dancing
On the ground

Star's out brightly
Shining Down

A breeze blows softly
whispering a tune

A subtle chorus

For a wolf in the distance
Howling at the moon

crickets serenade
As two antelopes misbehave

Cool, crisp, air
feel the stare

An owl perched
high upon a tree
looking down at me

Who, who
Could it be?

Off in the distance
hear that sound?

As the thunder crackles down

Streaks of lightning next appear
Time to head out of here

The rain is on it's way
blessings of new growth
To dawn's early day

Until we meet again

whisper's softly

Good Night ,
My Friend.

S.G. 3/16/15


A fun write for a mundane Monday

Mud on Tire's
Hop on up
Jump inside

Love to take you
For a ride

Weather just fine
After the rain

Hello, I am Sandra
What's your name?

Nice to meet you
Enchanted to greet you

You sure are cute!!
and I'm really digging
those cowboy boots

Guessing your new to town
Cause I have not seen you around

Would of noticed You
In a flash
With eye's like that
mmm what a catch

Must be over 6 feet tall
Lord have Mercy
Help us all

Forgive Me ,
I don't
Mean to flirt

To get this Chevy,

Stuck In

S.G.  3/16/15

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Beautiful Day


 Beautiful Day                                                                                                  
                                                                                                      Mountain's painted


                                                                                                     Flowers delight

                                                                                                      What a beautiful site

                                                                                                    Gentle Breeze

                                                                                                     Causing a rippled bay

                                                                                                    Oh what a glorious day

                                                                                                    Sun shining bright

                                                                                                    Awaiting the night

                                                                                                   So the moon

                                                                                                   Can come out and play               

                                                                                                 As the sun sets West
                                                                                                Quietest times
                                                                                                 I like best       
                                                                                                Kneeling down to pray  
                                                                                                 Giving thanks
                                                                                                   To the Lord      
                                                                                                    Up above
                                                                                                Blessings of
                                                                                           unconditional love
                                                                                        Another Beautiful Day
                                                                                                          S.G. 3/14/15

Friday, March 13, 2015

Is it 5 o clock yet :)

   Good Morning, Afternoon , Evening- depending on what part of the World you are tuning in from. Thank you for following. And to all those where it is NOW 5 -o'clock - somewhere, can we please trade :)

   Oh the beauty of the Internet, making chat acquaintances from all over the world. I am very new to the blog world and still learning, so thank you in advance for your patience.

So please just sit back, enjoy and as AC/DC or Mickey Mouse say's it best 
please keep following Enjoy your weekend. However keep this in mind see below...
My Quote for Friday :)

Dear alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer… I saw the video… we need to talk. unknown

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Why does a Writer choose to write?

A writer, A conscious dreamer...
Writer's Secret (Their Soul )
 Writer's that make you wonder.

Writer's Addiction and drug of choice!

Words upon paper
Lyrics from the heart.

No Greater Love

Today I thought I would share some of my personal writing :)

No Greater Love

Lost loves  scattered amongst my trail of tears
then out of the blue, there came you
you took away all my fears 
Now all my days feel bright and new
the moment you brought me a love so true
you bring to me a reason
my life a whole new meaning
just a simple word
and more then just a touch
gives me the reassurance 
that you love me just as much
Love is not perfect
there are no guarantees
but what we share together
is beautiful to me
If the world stopped turning
and the mountains melted into the sea
I would not be afraid
knowing that your love embraces me
If I could take all of yesterday's tomorrows
and store them far away
just to have all of those extra moments to share with you today, I would
Time is a precious gift that should never be wasted, when all that life has to offer should most certainly be tasted.
So take my hand and lets embark on this journey together
I am hoping for right now and wishing on forever

S. Glover 2010

More blogs to come throughout the Day

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Words misspelled the most!

Wednesday Quote       "   ''Synonym, a word used in place of the one you can't spell''unknown

Speaking of words often misspelled

Top of the list

Wednesday      often spelled   Wendsday

misspelled        often spelled     mispelled

writing             often spelled      writting

knowledge    often spelled   knoweldge

judgement    often spelled    judgment

absence         often spelled     abcence

committment  often spelled comittment

synonym    often spelled   synanym 

Wednesday Inspiration

" The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to take the stairs. One step at a time. "   unknown

" If you write with your heart. Your mind will follow"  S.G.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Five clever words of the day to incorporate within our writing

Tuesday's Writing Quote of the day

" My train of thought derailed. There were no survivors!! "   unknown


1) eccentricity -

a :  the quality or state of being eccentric
b :  deviation from an established pattern or norm; especially :  odd or whimsical behavior
a :  a mathematical constant that for a given conic section is the ratio of the distances from any point of the conic section to a focus and the corresponding directrix
b :  the eccentricity of an astronomical orbit used as a measure of its deviation from circularity


2) idiosyncrasy - a peculiarity of constitution or temperament :  an individualizing characteristic or quality
b :  individual hypersensitiveness (as to a drug or food)
:  characteristic peculiarity (as of temperament); broadly :  eccentricity


 3) panjandrum - a powerful personage or pretentious official


4) pretentious - making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing) <the pretentious fraud who assumes a love of culture that is alien to him — Richard Watts>
b :  expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature <pretentious language> <pretentious houses>

:  making demands on one's skill, ability, or means :  ambitious <the pretentious daring of the Green Mountain Boys in crossing the lake — American Guide Series: Vermont>

5) hodgepodge -

a mixture of different things


  *all definitions  c/o meridian Webster


When I write the passion of my heart speaks directly to the paper  " S.G.